Top Stories of 2023, #4: The new era of poker content is booming

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In the ever-evolving entertainment landscape, the poker content space has seen a notable surge in popularity in 2023. From dedicated poker vloggers to the emergence of innovative platforms like “game for gold,“The poker community is thriving in a new era of excitement and engagement.

We are no longer limited to watching televised tournaments or reading strategy articles. The rise of poker vloggers has ushered in a new era, offering a compelling and personal perspective on the game.

The Rise of Poker Content Creation: Bringing the Game to Life

Vloggers like Andrew Cape, Brad OwenAnd Ethan “Rampage” Yaualong with a host of other pioneers, have gained a large following by sharing their poker adventures, strategy insights and behind-the-scenes insights into poker life.

These vloggers offer more than just card game action; They offer a narrative that resonates with both experienced players and newcomers. The combination of poker knowledge, storytelling and a touch of humor has made these vloggers influential figures within the poker community, greatly helping to increase interest and attract new players to the game.

At the opening World Series of Poker Paradise, PokerNews spoke to some of the biggest names in poker content. Daniel Negreanu, Kevin Martin and chess superstar Alexandra’s baptism commented on the boom in poker content and told us how they think it will continue to grow in the coming years.

What made you want to enter this space?

Baptism: “I started playing poker as a child because my father taught me. Then I was invited to a heads-up championship where they brought some content creators. And basically, I’ve been playing poker more and more ever since.”

Negreanu: “It was completely natural. I didn’t even think about that. It was something I did before anyone called it the field of content creation.”

Martin: “I love storytelling. I love connecting with people via the internet. But there’s a lot of money to be made, and that’s the honest truth. I just saw the dollars and thought, I knew I could do good with it.’ That’s a big motivating factor for me.

Alexandra's baptism
Alexandra’s baptism

Why do you think poker content is so popular right now?

Baptism: “Everyone jumps on it. I actually think it’s just the beginning of poker content. I think a lot of people are getting into poker content now, and while it already looks big, I think it’s just the beginning.”

Negreanu: “I mean, there are a lot of cool people doing a lot of cool things. So it’s another way to promote the game. And for a lot of people these days, it’s a way to brand themselves when they didn’t.” They have, you know, they don’t have anything like they used to, go on TV, ESPN. And this is how you make a name for yourself today; They make great content. People love it.”

Martin: The industry is booming. There is a lot of money in this industry. Views are very valuable for companies and series. There’s just a huge market for it and everyone is so excited about the game right now. It’s just like this big mix of energy. I’m so excited about the poker industry right now.”

Daniel Negreanu
Daniel Negreanu

How do you see developments?

Baptism: “The next step for poker content that I want to focus on is making it more accessible so that not only the grinders can see it, but casual players can enjoy it too.”

Negreanu: “I think that with Game of Gold, the show, we’re going to get a lot more people thinking creatively about how we can promote the game that aren’t the same methods, right? I mean, I think we’re going to see a lot more cool reality-slash-poker stuff in the future.”

Martin: “Better storytelling, more characters, not just the strategy of the hands, but also the question: What does this person mean at this table? What does the money mean? What is their story? And really, that aspect of storytelling is just getting better and better, and people are recognizing that.”

Kevin Martin
Kevin Martin

Who are some of your favorite poker content creators and why?

Baptism: “I have been watching a lot of poker content creators. I really like the way Rampage explains his thought process. I like Daniel’s beginner videos. I think they’re really accessible. I love something.” Wolfgang Poker does it with shorts, and the list goes on.

Negreanu: “We have to be honest here, right? Really no one, except me sometimes Fedor Holzs Videos pop up on my feed and I think he’s really good at explaining concepts and I even pick up on things every now and then. I just listen to his stuff. I love Fedor’s stuff.

Martin: “Oh man, DNegs does vlogs. I love the blue collar poker story. There are a lot of kids trying to spice it up Next generation pokerI like Frankie Spoon all these little kids really getting into it and being creative. There are just so many people doing good work.”

Wolfgang reaches 1 million subscribers

Wolfgang Poker’s journey from a passionate poker player to building an empire with a million subscribers is an example of how poker vlogging may evolve in the coming years. As the poker content space continues to grow and evolve, it is expected that more creators will follow in Wolfgang Poker’s footsteps and leverage the power of vlogging to showcase not only their poker skills, but also dedicated and loyal communities to build.

As Wolfgang Poker’s subscriber count continues to grow, the monetization potential of poker vlogging becomes more and more apparent. With one million subscribers, creators like Wolfgang Poker can explore various revenue streams including sponsorships, partnerships and merchandise. This opens up new opportunities for collaboration between poker vloggers and the industry, creating mutually beneficial relationships that contribute to the growth of both the developers and the poker community.

Poker vlogging by creators like Wolfgang Poker is helping to reshape the public perception of poker. It is no longer limited to the serious, stoic atmosphere. Instead, it is presented as a dynamic and engaging activity, rich in strategic depth yet accessible to a wider audience. This shift in perception has the potential to raise the next generation and redefine the way poker is experienced and enjoyed.

Industry support to maintain momentum

In a groundbreaking move for the poker community, major casinos, including ARIA Resort and Casino, Bellagio and other MGM Resorts International hotels in Las Vegas, have implemented a supportive policy for poker vloggers. This progressive initiative, announced by Sean McCormack, Director of Poker Strategy at MGM Resorts, signals a shift in the industry’s approach to content creators and their role in showcasing the excitement of poker and casino gaming.

Under the new policy, poker vloggers will be allowed to film cash game sessions and tournament runs, as well as other casino activities such as table games and slot machines. To do this, content creators must undergo an approval process and adhere to certain guidelines.

Prior to this policy, the lack of clear rules created uncertainty for poker vloggers who wanted to capture content in casino environments. Approval was often at the discretion of individual poker rooms and managers. With established guidelines and approval processes, the poker vlogging community now has a standardized approach to working with major casinos.

While the policy currently only applies to MGM Resorts properties in Las Vegas, McCormack envisions the policy expanding to other locations. He envisions possible partnerships between casinos and content creators that would create a win-win scenario. McCormack explained: “There is a way we can monetize this for the content creators… a double win-win for the content creators and then a win for the casino.”

By including poker vloggers, casinos not only open their doors to content creators, but also lay the foundation for a collaborative and innovative future that will benefit both parties.

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Calum Grant

Editor and live reporter

Calum joined the PokerNews team in September 2021 after working in the UK energy sector. He played his first hand of poker in 2017 and immediately fell in love with the game. Calum’s proudest poker achievement is winning the only tournament he has ever played in Las Vegas, the prestigious $60 Flamingo evening event.


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