Rangers FC runs gambling workshops for players

Rangers Football Club flag

Scottish Rangers FC players and management will take part in gambling education workshops. [Image: Shutterstock.com]

Protect players

Players and management at Rangers Football Club in Scotland will take part in gambling education workshops designed to help protect players and staff.

EPIC Risk Management will host the events, which will be funded by club sponsor Kindred. The aim of the workshops is to educate players and management about the pitfalls of gambling that so many have faced in the past.

Former players will also take part to talk about their experiences with gambling. It is hoped that the independent sessions will create a healthy relationship between football and gambling. The Rangers B team and women’s team will also take part. Selected academy teams will run separate events.

They go beyond “discussing the rulebook and adding the key element of relativity.”

Karim Virani, the club’s chief commercial officer, said it was important to have these discussions to help protect players, adding that the sessions led by former players were great as they talked about “discussing the Rulebook and the addition of this key element of relativity”.


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